1. Curricular Aspects
                     Curriculum is the essential ingredient of any education system regardless of the education level. All other aspects whether teaching, learning and evaluation or research and development, infrastructure and learning resources, student activities and support system revolve around it.

2. Teaching-Learning and Evaluation
                   Evaluation of teaching involves collecting evidence, from various stakeholders, for the purpose of improving the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process. A successful evaluation generates outcomes that are valid, reliable and indicate directions and action for development.

 3.Research, Consultancy and Extension
                    It deals with the facilities provided and. efforts made by the institution to promote a 'research culture'. The institution has the. responsibility to enable faculty to undertake research projects useful to the society.

 4. Infrastructure and Learning Resources
                    To fulfill the changing demand of modern academic era and to promote the effective teaching-learning process, college has always given emphasis on the creation and up-gradation of infrastructures. To create new infrastructure, college utilizes the funds provided by the State Government and different other funding agencies such as UGC, DST-FIST.

 5. Student Support and Progression
                 the efforts of an institution to provide necessary assistance to students, to acquire. meaningful experiences for learning at the campus and to facilitate their holistic. development and progression. It also looks into student performance and alumni. Student progression is a process which ensures all students are passing required units to progress through to graduation. At the end of each semester student grades are reviewed to determine whether progress in your studies is satisfactory.
6. Governance and Leadership
                   Good governance envisages transparency in decision making, implementation and easy availability of relevant information. An effective leadership is proactive in sharing about the values, vision, approach and future

7.Innovative Practices
                    some of the important approaches are; collaborative approach, reflective approach, constructivist approach, metacognitive approach, E-teacher education approach, value-based approach, blended learning approach, soft skill approach